oh. hi people.
Listen! i'm pissed off. well, not really. to be exact. a bit offended. offended by some people who don't even think and care bout how other people feel towards their act. huh. whatever. what you guys did is no good lah. i thought we are supposed to be one big family. and say no to discrimination and nobody is left out in any activity or occasion. dang. we feel hurt you know. as if we are nothing at all to your eyes. siapalah kami? through sorrow, you find us. but through joys, you discriminate us. so nice huh you people? well, never mind. we are totally cool about it. like the karma always says "what goes around comes around". kinda a lil upset to see the 3 years bond that has been forged between us is shattered by the act of this kind of people. they, who disregard others' feelings. please. mind your manners people. where the hell you throw that 'courtesy' value?? well, I pray to God that our bonding will remain solid forever. hopefully.
I felt the same way (offended). Btw, did i miss something?
ada: huuu..kite senasib.
apa kes ni? tak faham.......???
be patient.. ;)
hmmm..it's nothing at all.
just a lil offended. huuu.
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