guess what? 2 trimester has officially ended. weehoooo. well, practically for me. some hasn't. so, good luck for those who are still waiting to sit for exam :P study smart guys.
i'm having 4 months break before the 1 trimester starts next year. i have decided not to go back to Malaysia. sobs. oh, come on guys, what's the need of going back? there's so much to explore here in NZ. still, wishing bon voyage to my friends who are going back to Msia. Have fun guys. though, Malaysia is freaking hot. XD
so, currently, i have been hunting for jobs. Insyaallah. Allah murahkan rezeki. of course, i need money for traveling purpose. like i said, so many beautiful places in NZ need to be visited. also, i've been doing some shopping for 'orang kampung' since SALE is in the air :P
that's all i guess. not much to say. okay picture! blog will be dull without a single photo right?
Fact 2: love the breeze, the city and posed with my bestie.
Fact 3: that i have left my heart in Sydney :)
"The world is a book and those who do not travel read only one page."- St. Augustine