Thursday, September 10, 2009

it's been a while!!

oh blimey!!
i haven't updated in a while.
so sorry guys.. well, you can spank me if you want.
huhu.. i was very busy last week. lotsa assignments need to be done.'s your puasa going guys??
i hope everything is fine.. well, not much things happened in my life lately.
oh yeah.. i just bought myself a new hp..a cheap one. sony erikson.
i like my choice very much. even it's not that high-tech.
at least my new hp got mp3 player and camera. compared to my previous hp..stupid polyphonic hp..huhu.. fyi, i lost my nokia express music early this year,
so since then i have been using that stupid samsung..i always hate that hp..grr..

shiny blue colour. Liking it!

raya is coming soon..and i'm counting the days..huhu..
can't wait for raya!!
oh blimey.. i don't know what to write more.
i shall end my post now. till then,

Selamat Berpuasa kawan2..

with love,


chris federick said...

Slamat berpuasa :)

ballpenmerah said...

slmt hri raya...
nice hp...
nk satu

Mr Daha said...

Cantik gak hp tu.. ok la tu. :)

[z@ck] said...

tina beli brapa ringgit hp tu?

mazhad said...

Qistina Fahimi said...

harga rahsia..

ada van de kamp said...

harga bpe? nk bli gk. hehehe

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