Saturday, April 3, 2010

just one word. say it.

hello people and friends. today was a bore. seriously. a day is wasted just like that. huuu.. ok. now i feel totally guilty. i guess i should just start working on my next assignment that is due on 19th April. chaiyok! oh yeah. one more thing. this is nothing actually. but it means a lot me. why do people find it difficult to say thanks to people? after he or she has done good things to them. it's simply easy thing to do. just say 'hey, thanks'. it's not a trouble at all i think. what a typical human. never to appreciate others. selfish. plus. never ever treat people badly bcoz your own self isn't good enough either. i repeat you're not perfect at all. remember, karma does exist. it will always come back to haunt you once you mistreat people. i guess that kind of people, they're kinda lonely. then, why can't they be nice to others. hmm.. i don't hate you. but your attitude is no good. it hurts me =( i reckon nature amazes me much more than human beings.


farieha said...

betul tu tina..perkataan thanx to sikit je..tapi susah untuk diberi bagi orang yg x tahu berterima kasih

Qistina Fahimi said...

ieha: i agree with u.

Asfan Ash said...

thanks Qis
(xtau apsal) hahaha

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