Sunday, January 30, 2011

the ugly truth.

while browsing through my Ipod playlist, i realize that i have a lot of Avril songs. what da heck kan? i mean after Lady Gaga, do people still listen to Avril songs? i don't know. sigh.

looking back at the past. i couldn't believe i was really into Avril. i memorized all her songs. i bought all her CDs. yada yada.

i remember those days. i was young, stubborn, loud, angry, rebellious and i grew up listening to her songs. on the opposite, i was pictured by people as a 'good' kid. where as in the inside, i was burning with rage, i was yelling, i was so sick feeling worthless all the time. to tell the truth, i was going through a hard time during my teenage years. everything was a mess. i was so fucked up. i was angry all the time. high school was suck. so much of friendship. mostly, i was mad at my parents. everything i did was so wrong to them. most of Avril songs described a lot of what i had been going through in life as a teenager. so that's why Avril songs were my lullaby those days. i know this is kinda embarrassing, i still listen to her old songs whenever i feel bored. goodness, i'm 21 years old now :P

am i a bit old to listen to her songs? she's like a teen Idol. my teenage years have gone long ago. i'm a young adult now. blaaahh. seriously, her songs are haunted. i just keep humming to her songs. eventho i'm 21 now. haha. yeah, call me lame. laugh at me. i don't care. this is me. at the end of the day, it's still going to be me. deal with it :P

to think that i was so fucked up those days, i hated my high school days. deep down inside my heart, i kinda missed the good old days. i miss THEM. if i was given a chance to turn back time, i wanna be a teenager once again and live my life to the fullest. but i can't. past is past. i have to keep moving on. let go of yesterdays.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

this is my world.

     Worked for 3 hours today. tired like hell. after work, walked back home. felt thirsty. on the way, stopped at Gloria Jeans. bought cookies and cream chill. put my earphones in. volume up. put my Ipod on replay to the same song. 'Just a dream'. sipped my drink. continued walking. ignore the world. the world around me seemed so still. people on the street didn't give me a damn. didn't even look at me. and i realized it was the coolest feeling ever. me and my world. my Ipod is my world. yeah i know. this is crap :P

 p/s: i need a blogging mojo. sigh.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

just a dream.

i was thinking about YOU, thinking about ME, thinking about US,
what we gonna be?
open my eyes,

it was only just a DREAM.

boy oh boy. i've been listening to this song for almost 100 times since yesterday. kinda hooked to this song. i don't really like the original version by Nelly. i like Sam Tsui and Christina Grimmie duet even more. i just in love with their voice. i know. i sound so lame. this song has been out for ages. sigh. told ya. i don't really up to date with the latest music now and then :P

i listened to this song once before but i wasn't really interested with it. then, my housemate Lily introduced to me this song again a few nights ago. SNAP! suddenly i just i love this song. tehehe.

Monday, January 24, 2011

i'm home.

psssst. i'm back guys. safely arrived. alhamdulillah. thanks guys for the wonderful trip. sigh. so much to share. but, i'm tired tonight. will update about the my trip real soon okay? hehe.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

yeay! jalan-jalan lagi.



i'm so excited plus nervous. can't wait for the road trip tomorrow night. will be departing from Wellington at midnight and proceed straight to Rotorua. will be touring around North Island for a week with housemates and few Ipsah friends. oh well, a lot of housekeeping need to be done i guess. packing especially. ohh yeah, here's our road trip route.

Wellington-Rotorua-Auckland-Paihia-Kaitaia-Cape Reinga-Hamilton-New Plymouth-Wellington

all i could hope is that Allah will bless our journey. May everything goes well and the most important thing is that we all will have fun together. Bye Wellington. don't miss me kay? tehehe.

i smell adventure and damn it! i want in.

you don't have to travel world wide you know. we have everything here in New Zealand. you want Europe? we have Europe-like places in New Zealand. no kidding kay. cheers people!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Summer is happiness.

hello beautiful people,

it's been a while since i last blogged. anyhoo, i'd like to update on what happened last Sunday. so, we went for a picnic at Kaitoke Regional Park, Upperhutt. ocean of thanks to the organizers, kakak-kakak senior yang baik hati. it's my 2nd time i've been to Upperhutt. the last time, i went there for school-based teaching experience. about half an hour of driving, we finally reached there.
well, camwhore is a must. lucky that Att brought her DSLR. we set up and everything and several of us decided to play and swim in the river. me? NO-NO. the water was freezing cold. brrrrr.
why does every pic that i took in NZ must have ducks as the background?
the group photo. it was fun and satisfying day i reckon. got to spend some time with kakak-kakak senior tersayang, delicious lunch, had cool chit-chat with them. thanks again all.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

what's your resolution people?

as for mine. i don't have a fixed resolutions. but i have few. here the list goes:

  1. i just hope i will see 2012. i hope to be blessed with good health. Insyallah.
  2. i want to study harder. no more fooling around. time to get real serious.
  3. i want to improve more on my language proficiency.
  4. i want to instill good habits inside ME and to get rid of the unproductive habits.
  5. i hope to blessed with wonderful and good people around ME and promise myself i will not take them for granted.
  6. i want to appreciate every single thing that happens to me throughout this year.
  7. i want to find ways that can make me happy and be at peace. i hate being emo all the time. it's cheesy you know.
  8. i want to search for HIM. to get closer to HIM. i hated myself for walking further from HIM.
  9. i want to keep in touch with my family. calling mom and dad more often and FB-ing with my brothers everyday.
  10. i want to save some money for the future and traveling purpose. i don't want to waste money on unimportant stuff anymore.

hurm. that's all i guess? i could list out like a million. yet, these are the most important things that i want to achieve this year. you can do this Tina. Aja!

cheers people!
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