Friday, July 24, 2009

morning craps.

soooo sleeepyy.
but i hold myself from dozing off. don't want to go to sleep.
i'm surfing rite now.(not on waves) i mean i'm surfing the net la..
cari punya cari.. disappointed la. x byk research article on the internet.
i have a question here. are journal and research article different??
i thought they are the same. huhu..
i still fear at the thought that i'm going for school based experience at SK Khir Johari.
sooo scary. i'm not scared of the students ok. but i'm scared of the teachers there.
you know these unfriendly and cold..
i pray hard that the teachers there will be nice to us. Amin..

Ya Allah,
semoga cikgu2 disana akan menerima kehadiran kami dengan baik.
dan mudahkanlah kami untuk melaksanakan tugasan kami.
semoga segalanya berjalan dengan lancar dan baik.

i'm away for 2 weekss. so, won't be able to update this blog regularly.

with love,
Me. the girl with big dreams and hopes.


Mr Daha said...

Ha3.. ala.. relek je k. SBE snang je. dun wory too much.. :)

Qistina Fahimi said...

betul ker senang??

Anonymous said...

kat ukm pon pening pale cri articles..last2 x amik apa2 pun..

[z@ck] said...

ku juga cuak..

ada van de kamp said...

cuak. hehe

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