okay guys, let's have a recap of what did i do for today. daddy just got back from Port Dickson. at round 8 something, dad brought us to eat at Ramli's somewhere in Banda Hilir i guess. the food was totally heaven. they serve the best nasi goreng and chicken chop in Melaka. well, according to me lah. hehe..after dinner, went for sightseeing at the Stadhuys and Melaka River. as usual, we camwhored like nuts seriously. people were just staring at us. hey, like what the heck kan? just mind your own business people. okay? after a while, went back home. My gosh, the road was totally packed with cars and people. well, it's a new year's eve i guess. people were out either to celebrate the New Year nor dating with their partners. i could see that Bandar Melaka was shimmering with colourful lights. what a great view i tell you. okaylah, i'm too lazy to type some more. just enjoy the pics down here okay?
that's all for today, i guess. well, i had so much fun today, being with the family is like best feeling in the world. overall, today was indeed a blast! till then. cheerio people!