Thursday, November 22, 2012

Midnight rants.

I'm so bored of being bored because being bored is really boring. 

That statement really explains me these few days. frankly, I don't know how to make my life even more interesting. those stuff that I usually do, here in Msia, like strolling at the malls, watching movies, or window shopping, they just don't give me any fun or pleasure anymore. I'm so bored and I'm totally sick of it. I've been thinking and recalling my old life back in Wellington ya know. so cheesy. I know. okay, I know that I have to look forward, move on. get a life. The problem is me. my INABILTY to stop remembering the past. I really miss the little things I usually did back in Welly. omaigoddd, why am I so pathetic.

To make it worse. I even browsed some old pictures from my life back in Wellington. found one and I'm gonna share it here. 

whoa. why so serious Qistina? I have never seen me being so serious like that.
This is a very rare picture of me being so serious.I guess that all my life I never want to get too serious about anything. omaigodd i do talk shits these days. of course I have never seen me doing anything. I can't see myself. lol. except if you're in front of the mirror laa so you see yourself. big lol there.  I hope tomorrow and the next next day will be better days for me. If my upcoming days didn't turn out to be good. I will be back again and pour out my daily rants to you :D

In bed now, still figuring out how my life should be for the next couple of months.

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